One of the outputs of a recent successful Policy Lab and CRIBS Maternal Health Group Dissemination Day held in Sierra Leone, is the development of a short docu-drama film about Pre-eclampsia, created in partnership with Sierra Leonean filmmakers Mariama Wurie and Miles Kamara.
The aims of the film are the following:
- To raise awareness and understanding of pre-eclampsia through a medium that is relatable and resonates with women, their partners, family members, communities and healthcare workers.
- To improve access to health care for pregnant women suffering from the condition. This has the potential to reduce maternal and baby deaths.
The film will be shown at a series of film screenings, beginning with a Premier in Freetown on 22nd May 2023 (World Pre-eclampsia day), followed community and university evening film screenings in the following weeks. Film screenings will be followed by interactive audience Q&A sessions, which will enable further in depth learning on the topic of Pre-eclampsia.
To expand the reach of the film to the widest audience possible, the research team hope to share key messages about Pre-eclampsia, which is the second highest cause of maternal mortality in Sierra Leone, via national and local television and radio platforms.
Below are some images of the filming of Nema’s Choice: