Films & Information
Below are four short films made in collaboration with women and communities, highlighting some of the challenges faced by those affected by pre-eclampsia. Our hope is that these films will be viewed and used as part of antenatal education for pregnant women, the wider community and healthcare workers.
Community screenings may allow viewers to discuss conflicts within the drama, to imagine alternative scenarios and suggest strategies to overcome barriers.
Information leaflets
Essential pregnancy information
This informative booklet includes essential information on pre-eclampsia and explains why blood pressure and urine are checked during pregnancy.
Pre-eclampsia: know the signs
This patient information leaflet, currently available in English, includes basic details about symptoms to look out for and actions to take.
Postnatal recovery from pre-eclampsia
This leaflet provides supporting information to patients on what to expect during their postnatal recovery from pre-eclampsia and recommended medical follow up.