Evaluation of the introduction of the CRADLE Vital Signs Alert device in the management of hypertension and shock in pregnancy in Sierra Leone. The CRADLE Vital Signs Alert (VSA) device – a validated, portable and easy-to-use BP and HR monitor with inbuilt traffic light early warning system – al...
In Sierra Leone, pregnant teenagers face huge stigma and family abandonment and are therefore less likely to receive proper nutrition or midwifery care during pregnancy and around the time of birth. This significantly increases their risk of maternal death and the death of their baby.
Assessment of Point-of-care cReatinine testing In pregnancy: a feasibility COhort sTudy in Sierra Leone. Point-of-care creatinine (POC-Cr) testing has been shown to improve outcomes, is cost effective, and easy to use in pregnant and non-pregnant patients, with results immediately available to enabl...
Shock Index in Pregnancy: Haemorrhage and sepsis Risk Evaluation. Shock index as a predictor of adverse outcome in maternal haemorrhage and sepsis. Our team found that shock index (SI), calculated by dividing heart rate into systolic blood pressure, is an early predictor of poor outcome in pregnant ...
PINEAPPLE: PlGF IN EArly Pre-eclampsia Prediction in sierra Leone. Availability of placental growth factor (PLGF) test results has been demonstrated to significantly reduce time to clinical confirmation of pre-eclampsia and is associated with a lower incidence of maternal adverse outcomes.